Am I A Child Beating Racist? šŸ˜Ø – Accusations On A Teacher

images858H1KRJSeriously, this may be what some children are going home and painting my picture as! (Or parents!

The things we have to do…

I haven’t updated you much on my daily life, well, because I haven’t really had much time!

But it’s been a true challenge!

One session of children are darlings and are settling down, still a couple of criers initially, but they have settled pretty well.

The other… Oh My God!Ā  What with possible Special Needs, and huge behavioural issues, it has been really tough.Ā  There have been insolent children, no manners appear to have been taught. There are spoilt children who think nothing of shouting “No!” in your face when things don’t go their way. There are clingy children, who are so insecure, and these other ones really frighten them… and many more….

But back to my post title… Yes, IĀ have since reported my faults to the Head teacher, and she said she will duly note it on my records!

So the other day I had to physically take a large toy away from a child as he was about to use it to hit another child across the face…(because he wasn’t getting his own way). well, I went off on my way, and later I saw said child on the climbing frame, looking forlorn. I asked him what the matter was, and he pointed my way, with a rather angry look across his face, you know, eyebrows down, brow furrowed, lips pursed. I looked behind me, he surely wasn’t pointing at me… there was no one else, so I went closer and he said “You hit me.” Really??!!! I was flabbergasted, but I couldn’t show it.Ā  I asked him when. He just repeated it! Then I explained that I hadn’t hit him, I had taken something from him, as he was about to hurt another child…then he just flipped emotions, ran down the slide, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek!

I did bring it up with his dad, but he just laughed and said, “Oh, he’s always saying things like that, we know he does it for attention, or to detract from his own naughtiness!” Thank goodness! Well, that’s the child beating element sorted!

I have a huge mix of nationalities in my class as you know, and with the sweet things in my crazy session, I have had to have chats with several parents, just to get them on side, and explain that we need to work like a tag team, between home and nursery, to send the same message to the children, with regards to behaviour, and respect.Ā  It will all take time but you know, it’s good to know the parents understand.

Well one has become very concerned about her precious little bundle… only child you know… and he is one that can be a little pickle (actually quite a big one!). But when I report back to her every end of session, when she asks, I have to say the truth, that he is ok for a while, then he starts the hitting, squealing, pushing and shoving, and defiance. So the other day she said to me that the other mums of her community said that I don’t; say anything to the other nationality parents, just theirs… I must have something against them!

HELLO!!!! I am also from a minority community lol!!!! But also a possible racist!

Then in the next breath, she said that actually they areĀ quite uneducated (unlike her of course) and that she knew we were just trying the best for her son.Ā  That said, the next day, he didn’t come.. I thought I had offended her!

But the ‘dear boy’ was back today… in full form.Ā  Today he was lovely, until he started fighting with a child over a toy, and I removed them from strangle holds, restored peace, then he went to hit and kick again!Ā  So the toy was confiscated.Ā Boy, if looks could kill….!

He then proceeded to fill his mouth with spit, and tried to launch a missile at me… but it all failed, and nothing came out, thank God! Then he tried to flip the bird at me! except he very defiantly stuck his index finger up at me, not the middle one! It took a lot to stop me from laughing at this point!

Then the best bit… When it was home time, I called his name, and he wouldn’t come.Ā  I didn’t chat to his mum today, as I frankly didn’t have the energy!Ā  But he ran to the other end of the classroom, and I had to catch him!Ā  Mum took him, hugged him, whispered endearments to him, and said to me, ” He was scared… he thought you were going to do something to him!” Wow! This child beating rep of mine is spreading!

Phew! Yes, still a colourful time I am having! One of the teachers I work with further up in theĀ school walked past our playground and mouthed to me “Are you ok?Ā Is everything going ok??” IĀ said “Well I’mĀ still here!” And she commented “And you’re still smiling!!”

See! That is me!!!

But, on a serious note, it is quite scary to think what one child might go home and say toĀ his or her parents, could have a profoundly negative effect on a teacher’s career, especially if the parents are likely to believe a child, before finding out everything!. I know that there are unfortunately timesĀ where a child is telling the truth, and there is a real issue with aĀ member of the teaching profession, but there are also countless times where an innocent teacher becomes a target, and loses their professional credibility due to a child’s fickle words. Here is where I thank goodness I am with my union! Hopefully my newly acquired negative reputation will be nipped in the bud… but just in case, I am covered!

And in other news… Lil Man was chosen as his class councillor by a landslide of votes! he is so proud of himself! and I forgot my car needed a service and MOT! Eek!

So an emergency appointment was set up by Hubby Dearest, and the lovely Bebe, my car, passed, thankfully!

And I am off to London for a course tomorrow with my Tag Team teacher colleague. A day away from the crazy class! YAY!!!! But I feel for the supply teacherĀ and our support staff! Oh I wish them well, I really do!

Right… night night my dearest Peeps! Thanks for sticking by me on my new teacher journey!!!!! I need to crash!

60 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. lynn k scott
    Feb 17, 2017 @ 21:08:13

    I don’t envy your position at all. I did laugh at you being given the “index finger”. I don’t think I could have kept a straight face; because I’ve seen it before. The kids that are challenging you are the reason I opted for homeschooling and now a very small, private school. I’ve met those parents that think their “angels” do no wrong. I’ve met the parents who know their kids are Satan’s spawn and no the school district won’t do anything because they will cry racism, prejudice and/or sue. Stay strong. Keep writing…you will have enough for a great book one day.

    Liked by 1 person


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  3. lbeth1950
    Sep 27, 2015 @ 08:34:30

    So glad you are doing this difficult job.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. New Journey
    Sep 26, 2015 @ 17:12:14

    wow, cameras are a must just to protect you from the little manipulators…LOL kids are the best at it, playing adults against each other….take care my friend, and I would have another teacher watch out when dealing with that particular child….kat

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Sep 26, 2015 @ 18:13:39

      Thanks Kathy, we are always there around for each other, and to see what is happening, but you know, it just horrifies me to think where they learn this… at 3 years old!



  5. wafflemethis
    Sep 26, 2015 @ 13:13:38

    Oh Sis what a time you must be having. But it’s just kids and there imaginings. Your great loving caring and amazing you’ll get there with them. But personally I think the parents should step up more. Children are so influential at that age and if they here racist or anti educational or anti establishment talk at home it makes it hard not to bring that to school. We’ll done Lil man uncle waffles is proudā˜ŗ

    Liked by 1 person


  6. tjt072
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 22:45:07

    Sorry to hear you are going through that. Have you tried talking to the principle about this one kid? Maybe write a letter to the boy’s parents explaining what has been going on.

    It’s sad these days so many kids get raised that way and when they get out of hand especially when they are teenagers, the parents wonder what happened. Best of luck.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Sep 26, 2015 @ 06:58:41

      My head is aware… We need to see whether the parents say anything else really,first. But it is awful how some children are allowed to behave….



  7. edwinasepisodes
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 20:18:07

    Oh my God, what a nightmare. It is so difficult when you have to tell of mummy’s little darlings, and some people just do not accept that there could be any problem with their little angel, I feel for you.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Erika Kind
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 15:34:11

    OMG, Ritu! I never imagined you had to deal with such craziness. I totally understand why you are over and out when you finally get home. And I understand even more why it was overwhelming last week on Thursday and Friday. I totally get you how concerned you are about what kids tell at home. But as you reported to the head teacher. I am sure you are backed up. They all know you. Oh, Ritu. I am sure it will get better over time. I just hope this time will come asakp!!! Big hugs and kisses šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–

    Liked by 1 person


  9. joey
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 12:30:53

    Oh man, I once had this trouble-making kid, not my class, only in the afternoon, when classes combined, and I have never gotten over him. Truly. That kid made naughty every moment he could.
    I never did get to the root of why he was acting out, but as sad as I was when the year was over, I was glad not to deal with him anymore!
    Sometimes it’s hard to rationalize and not take it personally! Phew!

    Liked by 1 person


  10. TanGental
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 11:23:11

    So you teachers – it’s all long holidays, home by four. Not sure why they pay you! I must say that yours has to be one of the most stressful of professions. Perhaps there ought to be some sort of reward: if you survive ten years you can have a day when you can say what you want to the little darlings and their parents and next day no one remembers. Keep smiling

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Prajakta
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 10:17:09

    Oh wow!! These are not just a handful, are they?? Once they settle down and have some idea of their boundaries we should be fine. Yes. All the best! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person


  12. NJ
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 05:52:44

    Oh…children ..make so many things out of there imaginations šŸ˜› ..You never know when they can put a blame on you šŸ˜¦ So don’t worry this phase will pass on šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Holly Jahangiri
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 03:46:02

    I should also point out, though, that I have known of two teachers (my mother knew one in her capacity as a teacher – and the woman taught a family friend’s son) who not only did hit children (one threatened to “kill” them if they told a parent about being flung up against a locker and choked) and bragged about it to other teachers and students (the one who bragged to students was my teacher – he seemed nice enough, and I thought he was making the whole thing up until an older student told me about the same incident the year before, and had witnessed it). The distrust between parents and teachers is, unfortunately, understandable at times. Best when they can be a respectful team – like good parents. But then, not all parents can pull that off, either.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Holly Jahangiri
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 03:41:31

    Right after university, I babysat a friend’s son. He was a sweet boy – most of the time. But one day, he was a “pickle” as you put it. He threw talcum powder all over the living room, climbed inside the kitchen cupboards and would not be coaxed out, and at some point I had to grab hold of him and scold him to keep him from climbing and flying off the counter and hurting himself. We had a lovely rest of the afternoon – I read to him, he sat in my lap, and we seemed to get along just fine. Until the next day, when his mother told me not to come around – she wasn’t upset and knew that I’d done nothing, but the little darling had told his father I’d “hit him.” Total nonsense. Eventually, he told dad that I hadn’t – but dad was ready to come beat me up, there, for about 48 hours. It was soon sorted out, but what a nightmare!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Sep 25, 2015 @ 06:36:33

      Oh Holly! I totally sympathise with you! Kids really have no idea what effect their little stories can have…
      The worst part is that he probably liked you, thought you were fun, told daddy, not knowing what would happen, then wondered why that fun baby sitter never came back!

      Liked by 1 person


  15. afternoonofsundries
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 03:24:28

    I had this happen 2 weeks ago with a middle schooler šŸ˜¦ I am apparently the teacher who “hits kids in fun.” Because that make sense. I couldn’t believe that they thought I would hit anyone!

    It’s really scary to know a kid can just say something and bam! That’s it!

    Liked by 1 person


  16. Fourth Generation Farmgirl
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 02:38:58

    Hang in there! They’re just “testing the waters.” Hopefully, your students will settle down soon. Good luck!

    Liked by 2 people


  17. Jim
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 00:39:30

    so what are you saying? you haven’t locked any in a cloak room yet? pffft! some mean teacher you are.

    Liked by 1 person


  18. amommasview
    Sep 25, 2015 @ 00:22:20

    Oh boy… oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…

    Liked by 1 person


  19. raphaela99
    Sep 24, 2015 @ 23:11:57

    I have seen some of the parents in action, oh boy! Their little treasure can do no wrong. The helicopter parents are a challenge. xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Sep 25, 2015 @ 06:31:29

      It’s hard… but I am trying… hopefully if we can build trust within the parents towards us, they won’t feel we are attacking their kids, and actually work with us, but By God what a challenge!



  20. Josh Wrenn
    Sep 24, 2015 @ 23:05:38

    With some of the parents I see, I could never be a teacher. The way they spoil their kids and believe they can do no wrong. It is insanity. I’d get fired for giving a parent a piece of my mind, I know it. Good on you for your patience.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Michael
    Sep 24, 2015 @ 22:55:59

    That is so true, one little whisper out of spite and Boom! Curtains for the teacher and possibly others.

    Liked by 1 person


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